The App All newspaper is an exclusive online portal of Indian newspaper ‘The Hindu’ and related periodicals. It is an online edition of the periodical ‘The Hindu’ published weekly in Kolkata, which is also known as’DIHM’. The App All newspaper has been launched exclusively for the iPad and has received a warm response from both the Indians as well as foreigners.
This amazing e-paper is a one-of-a-kind offering to all those who are looking for the best Indian newspaper online. The website features an exclusive collection of articles written by eminent authors across different subjects. These essays provide insights and a unique perspective on various issues of public and private life. Besides this, the website also offers several news reports on various topics of interest. To access the Indian newspaper subscription, you need to make use of the RSS feeds facility that is provided by the website.
The App All Indian Newspaper is an ideal choice for those looking forward to have an in-depth understanding of the current affairs. You will find information on different topics like agriculture, finance, health, human resource, media, education, and technology. In addition, you can have the latest news on various political events such as general elections, assembly polls, results, and other special political events. This year, the website is celebrating its 5th anniversary and is looking forward to a bright future with new features and exciting new options.
In the coming year, there will be major changes in the structure of the app. First, it will launch three more chapters, namely, Economy, Education and Employment. The app is also planning to launch four more chapters in the next year. The Indian economy has grown tremendously in the last few years. With this, the demand for the App All Indian Newspaper has increased significantly. In order to meet the demands of the audience, the e-paper today, has launched Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services.
The search engine optimization services offered by the website will help you in increasing your visibility among the leading search engines. Moreover, this will also help you in getting more page views. To keep up with the increasing popularity of the newspaper, the app now has another great feature – Live Updates. You can now experience the news app in the comfort of your own home. Simply open the app, read the headlines, and view the important information quickly and easily.
In addition to the exciting news, the app provides a number of other features, which includes the following: Save your favorite stories, favorite images and videos, bookmarks, and much more. The Indian lifestyle and tradition are greatly influenced by the different customs and rituals. The app not only offers the latest news, but also allows the users to save the various cultural practices and customs prevalent in the Indian culture and tradition. You can access the app at no extra cost from the link provided at the end of this article. Happy reading!