PhotoMath was pretty much the first freely available math calculator that could literally solve math problems with just using your camera.
Yeah, pretty cool, no?
So for example, say you were at school, you were looking at a math problem written on the chalk or whiteboard that you were having problems solving.
Just open the program and take a picture of the math problem and the application will do the rest, from solving the problem to actually mapping out the sequence it used in order to solve it.
Since it’s inception, there have been many other apps who have tried to duplicate what PhotoMath can do. Some even add a few other options to make their apps even more useful.
And don’t worry, if you are a iPhone person, they have apps for you too. So I’ve listed the options with both Android and iOS when they are available.
PhotoMath is essentially a math critical thinking application for cell phones that allow them take a snap shot of the mathematical equation and transfer it into the PhotoMath app and find the solution to their problem. This is far more powerful than simple websites that convert units online or where you need to enter the equations using a keyboard.
PhotoMath is one of the best critical thinking applications that allows its users to utilize the camera of their cell phone and find the solution to a range of mathematical problems no matter how complex.
Here’s Our List of Apps Like PhotMath…
What you'll find in this article...
Mathway is a math critical thinking application for effortlessly settling the variable based math, trigonometry, geometry, analytics and numerous different arithmetic fields.
The best about aspect of Mathway is that it can be even used to find solutions to factual equations too.
And just like all of the apps listed below, all it takes is taking a picture of the problem and letting the application do all of the work and spit out the results.
FX Math Solver
FX Math Solver is another numerical critical thinking application that helps either students or educators of scientific math the ability to use an app to help solve their problems.
Specifically this app is meant to be used in science rather than just being used as a mathematical calculator.
FX Math Solver can be utilized for taking care of equations like polynomial math, factorization, analytics, condition, disparity, diagram, restrict, essential, veers off and all sort of numerical problems and conditions.
Math Expert
Math Expert is fundamentally the database of every single numerical equation, and by embedding the estimations of an issue, students or educators can get their scientific issues determined in few moments as it were. And this app has some of the best graphics too.
The ideal opportunity for finding back the solution relies on your speed for embedding the estimations of the issue. It gives the well-ordered arrangement of any numerical issue.
yHomework is a full math solver for those understudies who have been persistently confronting the issue with the issues of variable based math, imbalances, diagrams, conditions or another sort of digital issues.
These understudies must utilize the yHomework, and they will find back the 100% exact solution of their scientific issues.
Homework furnish the clients with the progression two-step arrangement and clarification.
iMathematics is an interesting application that notwithstanding helping you in tackling the numerical issues and assist you with overhauling your scientific ideas and aptitudes.
iMathematics is essentially coordinated with all recipes, hypotheses, and definitions and by utilizing the utilization of iMathematics, students can learn and modify their scientific ideas effectively.
Furthermore, this app can save you an incredible amount of time as you are using your camera to take the pictures of your math problems rather than needing to punch in all the data on a keyboard.
Math Solver by iKaes
Math Solver by iKaes is a straightforward yet intense instructive application to take care of your essential numerical issues.
Not at all like those applications where clients find the solution of their issues by giving the picture of inquiries, the understudies of Math Solver by iKaes are required to sort their question in the Math Solver by iKaes and consequently they will find the solution alongside a well-ordered detailed list as how the app got to the answer. And like CocoPPA, you can arrange your app in any way you’d like.
Symbolab Math Solver
Symbolab Math Solver is a well-ordered issue solver for tackling the numerical issues identified with polynomial math, trigonometry, and analytics.
For the individuals who are searching for a far-reaching application by utilizing which they come into a position of finding the point by point solution of all sort of science issues then here is the Symbolab Math Solver to help these clients.
Math Helper Lite – Algebra
Math Helper Lite – This app is a math problem solver for getting the answers to Algebra based problem solving. It’s a free app with more features if you want to upgrade for a small fee. I didn’t see this app on vShare, so you’d need to buy the “Pro” version on one of the app platforms.
It is one of the best applications for getting math issues explained because it gives the user a well-ordered arrangement so they learn the fundamental ideas that are needed in order to solve the mathematical problem.
Platform: Android
MalMath is a well-ordered math issue solver that is minimal unique about the previously mentioned math critical thinking applications.
Rather than furnishing the clients with a framework for taking the pic of the issue and finding the solution back, MalMath lets the clients sort the question or any condition and find back the solution alongside the depiction of what were the ideas driving that answers.
Platform: Android
AutoMath Photo Calculator
AutoMath Photo Calculator is scientific critical thinking application where the understudies are just required to first take the snap of their snap and transfer at the AutoMath Photo Calculator, and consequently, they will find the solution back in the continuous.
Be that as it may, there is one impediment here. The fundamental inquiries will be replied by the AutoMath Photo Calculator while complex issues will be illuminated by its guides that can charge cost for arrangement also.
Platform: Android
Here is another application that is a master in taking care of any of the numerical issues. Simply enter you math issue and find the solution by watching the well-ordered arrangements of how the Cymath is settling it.
Cymath can be utilized for all kind of math issues unraveling.
The best about Cymath is that its interface is extremely straightforward and it gives the reply in the constant.
For the simplicity of its clients, an exceptional math console is additionally accessible in this application.